A Week in Gaming #34: 8/22 – 8/28

And so, the ship has finally run its course. Here I sit, at the end of a long journey through the summer of 2010, and I can say it has mostly been fun. I’ve played an enormous amount of video games (gained over 50 total B/C/M) and had a great time streaming for all of my friends.

It wasn’t without its downsides though. Losing the Internet for 12 days really was not a fun time despite all the games and shows I was suffocating myself in. And all the emotional blah that has come from me has totally not been cool. It’s something I really regret when I can look back on my Recent Changes, find games that I beat or complete months past, and my mind jumps to the moment where I was trying to do that… and can only find rage and b’awww. Not proud of myself in that regard.

I also tried two different kinds of marathons: One by games for a summer goal (Alienjesus’s Alphabet Soup Marathon… which still has five games left to go) and a 24 hour 18 hour Castlevania marathon that lost major steam in the second half due to how slow-moving Curse of Darkness is compared to the other games I played. I’d say that they were successful… but I could have done a lot better.

So, with college glaring at me from just beyond the horizon (see: tomorrow), here is the last of my Summer 2010 effort in the fight against Bak’Laag: Continue reading

A Week in Gaming #29: 7/18 – 7/24

A delayed post, the 29th week of A Week in Gaming was written on July 25th and chronicles the video game achievements of the week of July 18th. This was delayed as a lack of internet access has cut me off from ability to post and instead is posted at a later date.

As of writing this, I am on my eleventh straight day without home internet access. The time has passed by quickly, with great relief on this fact, but has still been a quiet and monotonous time. My normal daily schedule has been unchanged for the most part but the entire process has been quieter, less fulfilling and in a nutshell, lonely.

I know that you all that are my social circle are out there still and your thoughts are with me, but it’s been hard to keep that good faith alive when I’m essentially in solitude. It hasn’t been as bad in the past couple of days though, as mail from both WanderingMind and Lyndis brought my spirits up greatly (although I must shake my fist at Wander for what he gifted me, even with the compensation!).

All of the details will be posted once I’m fully back on the ‘net and have time to narrate it all. For now, the three games I took down in the past week.

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A Week in Gaming #23: 6/6 – 6/12

It is so odd how things work out. Last week I mentioned that I really wanted to play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion again. The problem with that was I had already smashed the Xbox 360 version completely, so there was no motivation to try it again. Lo and behold, Steam pops up with an excellent deal, and the lovely Meimi in her grand kindness gifted me the game and its predecessor, Morrowind.

Of course, it being the PC version, I’ve spent more time tinkering with mods than I have actually playing the game, but conversation with a friend has cemented what I’m going to do with the game when I get around to it. Until then, it’s a run through Morrowind first. Since I can’t write about Morrowind today, instead have the achievements of the past week: Continue reading

A Week in Gaming #22: 5/30 – 6/5

Cold temperatures and rain have permeated the weather as of late up here, reducing travels outside the house to when I need necessities. Kind of a dour and somber experience to wake up and realize that outside it is almost as dark as it was the night before. A wet and cold world that offers little in comfort compared to the warmth of my metaphoric box.

I’ve been getting a bit bored of gaming lately, but that might be because I’m playing stuff I don’t want to play nearly as much as other things. I want to try to beat games for the Alphabet marathon, but I’m consistently pulled by desire to play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Chrono Cross. I started up the latter and have five hours in it already. The former is only a matter of time. But in this time, I managed to knock out three more games. Continue reading