A Week in Gaming #34: 8/22 – 8/28

And so, the ship has finally run its course. Here I sit, at the end of a long journey through the summer of 2010, and I can say it has mostly been fun. I’ve played an enormous amount of video games (gained over 50 total B/C/M) and had a great time streaming for all of my friends.

It wasn’t without its downsides though. Losing the Internet for 12 days really was not a fun time despite all the games and shows I was suffocating myself in. And all the emotional blah that has come from me has totally not been cool. It’s something I really regret when I can look back on my Recent Changes, find games that I beat or complete months past, and my mind jumps to the moment where I was trying to do that… and can only find rage and b’awww. Not proud of myself in that regard.

I also tried two different kinds of marathons: One by games for a summer goal (Alienjesus’s Alphabet Soup Marathon… which still has five games left to go) and a 24 hourĀ 18 hour Castlevania marathon that lost major steam in the second half due to how slow-moving Curse of Darkness is compared to the other games I played. I’d say that they were successful… but I could have done a lot better.

So, with college glaring at me from just beyond the horizon (see: tomorrow), here is the last of my Summer 2010 effort in the fight against Bak’Laag: Continue reading