A Week in Gaming #22: 5/30 – 6/5

Cold temperatures and rain have permeated the weather as of late up here, reducing travels outside the house to when I need necessities. Kind of a dour and somber experience to wake up and realize that outside it is almost as dark as it was the night before. A wet and cold world that offers little in comfort compared to the warmth of my metaphoric box.

I’ve been getting a bit bored of gaming lately, but that might be because I’m playing stuff I don’t want to play nearly as much as other things. I want to try to beat games for the Alphabet marathon, but I’m consistently pulled by desire to play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Chrono Cross. I started up the latter and have five hours in it already. The former is only a matter of time. But in this time, I managed to knock out three more games. Continue reading