A Week in Gaming #23: 6/6 – 6/12

It is so odd how things work out. Last week I mentioned that I really wanted to play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion again. The problem with that was I had already smashed the Xbox 360 version completely, so there was no motivation to try it again. Lo and behold, Steam pops up with an excellent deal, and the lovely Meimi in her grand kindness gifted me the game and its predecessor, Morrowind.

Of course, it being the PC version, I’ve spent more time tinkering with mods than I have actually playing the game, but conversation with a friend has cemented what I’m going to do with the game when I get around to it. Until then, it’s a run through Morrowind first. Since I can’t write about Morrowind today, instead have the achievements of the past week: Continue reading